Cosmos Shooting Star
Make a wish on a cosmos shooting star. Little flower heads and shapes scattered across the night sky
9”x12” collage made with marbled paper, watercolor, pen, and indigo pigment on watercolor paper
Place collage in indirect sunlight or shade, exposure to the sun can increase fading of plant based watercolor and inks
Make a wish on a cosmos shooting star. Little flower heads and shapes scattered across the night sky
9”x12” collage made with marbled paper, watercolor, pen, and indigo pigment on watercolor paper
Place collage in indirect sunlight or shade, exposure to the sun can increase fading of plant based watercolor and inks
Make a wish on a cosmos shooting star. Little flower heads and shapes scattered across the night sky
9”x12” collage made with marbled paper, watercolor, pen, and indigo pigment on watercolor paper
Place collage in indirect sunlight or shade, exposure to the sun can increase fading of plant based watercolor and inks